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Thursday 16 November 2017

'There are negative effects on digital technology students'

A union teacher in Northern Ireland has demanded immediate steps in the school's impact on the effects of modern technology on children's ability.
The association of teachers and lecturers have expressed concerns about the time spent on children's computer and other digital devices, apart from school hours.
The organization says that some children neither pay attention to education nor are they socially injured.
The impact of digital technology is also the main point of the Union's annual regional conference in Belfast on Thursday.
Mark Langram, of the association of teacher and lecturers (ATL), says: "We are getting information about children who are unable to come to school to focus on studying and meeting regularly. The reason for most of them is interested in social media and digital sports.
"We want the Department of Education to provide guidelines for parents to spend more time on their digital devices and how to use digital technology safely and wisely," he said Mark Langming said ATL will soon request a meeting with Minister for Education in this regard and will be prompted for immediate steps.
He also said that "We value the benefits of digital technology to children, but there is a lack of awareness about possible risks, and in our view, to make parents aware of this, Needs steps.
According to Emma Quien, primary school teacher, the effects of time spent in front of the screen can clearly be seen on the children in school.
He says that many students do not take much interest in education and these devices are destroying the ability to understand them.

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